Friday, April 22

Neutral Eye, Red Lips & Retro Inspired Look

Hello ladies (& gents?)!

The other day I decided to do a very neutral smokey eye and POP it with a red lip. This look is great for any day and any occasion! Simple and subtle.


Today I did a very retro inspired look and I absolutely love the way it turned out! I used a pale teal colour on my lids and did hot pink lips! I guess having a head scarf on kind of inspired me to do this look (as well as a picture I found, he he). Did I mention my head scarf has little high heels on it? So cute! My best friend has a banquet (for her bowling league) next weekend, and i'm her date. I think this is the look i'm going to do, probably sporting a yellow dress! :) Maybe i'll even attempt faux lashes, haha. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I! It's very simple to do - and the photos don't pick up the colour quite as much as I would have liked ...


^^^ Check out my nailpolish. Fuschia & turquoise! I love doing my ring finger (nails) a different colour then the rest! You can't see it, but I also did a chunky glitter on my ring finger(s) as well as my thumb(s)!

I hope you enjoyed these tutorials and i'll see you all again soon!

Happy Easter everybody!  ( V )

XO Doll


  1. Aw, thanks so much hunny :)

    It's hard to see in the photos, but in person it looked awesome!
