Create This Look!:
I took green (49) and applied it all over my lid, also carrying it to my lower lashline. I blended up slightly to erase any harsh lines. I then took a dark gray (85) and in the natural V-shape of the outer corner of my eyes, applied it in a circular motion, slightly blending into the crease as well as down under the outer part of my lower lashline. I used a soft green (33 - it looks almost white) for my highlight and also applied that colour to the inner corners of my eyes. I used a gray liner for my top and bottom lashlines, as well as my water line - going back over the waterline with the dark gray shadow. I used CG and MF mascara. On my cheeks I used Jordana blush in sunlit bronze and a neutral gloss on my lips.
We're having Korah's birthday party on Sunday. I can't believe she's already 3 on Monday! :( Time needs to slow down a little. She keeps requesting an Ariel birthday cake, so that's what i'm going to attempt! We're decorating 'Princess' theme. I'm so excited to get their playhouse made this summer (Curtis and I, my parents, and Curtis' Dad are pitching in and my Dad is building the girls a playhouse as a joint gift). I wonder who will like it more? The girls or Mommy! Haha.
XO Doll
OMG! I JUST realized that I'll be able to totally recreate some of your looks with my palette! lol I'm excited! :p