I recently placed an order from JustFab.com. The items came quickly to my door, & I couldn't be more pleased with my purchases!
I ordered "Havana Breeze" by Iron Fist as well as "Suri" by JustFab.
Let me tell you - the quality of these heels are amazing.
Havana Breeze is gorgeous colours! I think after a few hours of dancing in them, my feet will be a little sore, but I love them none-the-less.
Suri (in pink) is AMAZING. I can't even believe how comfortable the shoes are! They have a 6-inch heel which is offset by a 2-inch platform, making it easy peasy to walk in them. I don't know how they made the shoes so darn comfortable, but I can't wait to wear them & be almost 6 feet tall (haha).

I would recommend these shoes/the website to anyone! Just make sure you read what JustFab is, so you aren't getting charged monthly without knowing ... like somebody I know *cough*me*cough*
I already know what my next two pairs of heels will be :)
Have a FABulous weekend everybody :)
XO Doll
XO Doll