...It has been SO long since i've posted, well.. anything!
We didn't have our laptop for almost a month so that put a halt on blog posting/uploading tutorials (not to mention my OOTD).
We finally have our laptop back which means the blog posts, OOTD(s), & tutorials will be coming your way!
It's been a busy few weeks, needless to say. Our house got hit with a nasty cold. I had it for two weeks, got rid of it for a week (in the mean time the two girls & my husband got it) and now I have it. Again. It was a rough & sleepless week, but we seem to slowly but surely be getting over it.
Our Princess turned 4 yesterday (!!!) Happy Birthday Korah! We're having a party for her on Saturday. Spiderman themed. Haha, it's so weird seeing as she's SUCH a girly-girl. She loves her spidey though!
A tutorial I filmed what seems like ages ago!
Neutral look using Urban Decay's NAKED palette (thank you, thank you, thank you Michelle!!!)
I will hopefully be able to catch up on some OOTD's as well as another tutorial which I am currently uploading, tomorrow. After falling so far behind, it's hard to catch back up! Haha.
XO Doll